“Expanding the Scope of CEF Digital to the Smart Energy Domain”

FISMEP is a very important contribution to the FIWARE community. The work done in FISMEP flowed into a document titled “Expanding the Scope of CEF Digital to the Smart Energy Domain” prepared by the Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems (ACS) at RWTH Aachen University , Alpiq, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica and Detecon, with the involvement of the FIWARE Foundation. The document is addressed to the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital Team and DG Energy in a joint initiative to expand the use of CEF Context Broker to the energy domain.

The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) is a EU funding instrument to encourage investments and links in the energy, telecommunication and transport sector. In this resepct, CEF Digital promotes the use of software building blocks for the digitalization of European infrastructures.

The FIWARE Context Broker is one of the building blocks present in the CEF Digital catalogue, but its use is not associated with the energy domain yet. The experience gained within the FISMEP research activities allows to demonstrate the suitability of FIWARE Context Broker, in particular, to increase the energy efficiency in buildings.

Moreover, this document discusses the importance of ontologies as advanced and efficient solutions for data representation, focusing on the reference SAREF ontology. Following the activity carried out in FISMEP regarding the use of semantics in the energy domain, this document proposes the expansion of the SAREF ontology to applications not covered by this reference yet (as distribution and transmission electrical systems).

Once the document will receive the final approval of the DG Energy, the FIWARE Marketing will start its official publication and promotion.